M2X Energy

M2X Team Presents at CERAWeek

M2X CEO Max Pieri, VP of Business Development Diana Alcala, and CTO Josh Browne attended CERAWeek 2023 in Houston, TX, and presented at the Innovation Agora. Watch the full presentation here.

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M2X Publishes Perspective on Modular, Distributed Chemical Production

M2X CSO Paul Yelvington co-authors an invited, perspective article on engine reformers for modular, distributed chemical production for a special issue of Applications in Energy and Combustion Science. Read the open-access article here.

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M2X Partners with UCF’s FSEC Energy Research Center

Stephanie Salmon sat down with M2X researchers and counterparts at the FSEC Energy Research Center to discuss their collaboration for catalyst validation and chemical process development. Read the full UCF TODAY article here.

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M2X Energy Emerges from Stealth Mode

Business Wire reports on M2X Energy’s Series A fundraise, emergence for stealth mode, and path to commercialization. Read the full article here.

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